Many Texans don’t realize that within the past century, there have been more than 100 earthquakes in our state that have been large enough to be felt. Five of these earthquakes have had magnitudes between 5 and 6, making them large enough to be felt over a wide area and produce significant damage. While Texas has many fault lines, Helge Alsleben, associate professor of geology at TCU, explains why our earthquake hazard is small in comparison to other states and how seismic activity is monitored.
TCU's Bat Monitoring Program Celebrates 10 Years
August 3, 2022
It’s been 10 years since Victoria Bennett, associate professor in the Environmental Sciences department, launched TCU’s Bat Monitoring Program. After a decade of raising public awareness for bats and managing one of the first long-term studies to monitor bat populations in Texas, Bennett explains why there is no reason to fear bats and helps us understand the ecological services they provide.